Trowa Barton

Military Affiliation: Gundam Pilot, Oz for a short time
Age:  17
Ethnic origin:  Unknown
Place of origin:  Earth
Height:  160 cm
Weight:   44 kg
Eye color:  Dark green
Hair color:  Brown
Mobile Suit:  Heavyarms

Piloting the arsenal loaded Gundam Heavyarms, Trowa Barton is the most mysterious of the pilots. Calm, cool, sullen, and detached, he seems more of a shadow then a pilot.  Trowa finds a job with a traveling circus troupe as cover for his missions.  A truly gifted and fearless acrobat, these talents also prove useful in his
alternate occupation as a Gundam pilot. Despite his youth, Trowa is the professional soldier of the group.  His mobile suit has probably the biggest weakness of the 5 suits, baring a knife on it's right arm, his offensive weapons are completely arsenal based.  From rocket pods to several gattling machine-guns, there are no beam cannons nor blades.  From a positive standpoint, having this sort of armory at your disposal can effectively incapacitate the enemy quickly.  And given Trowa's excellent fighting abilities, these weapons are very handy.  However, negatively speaking, when you're out of bullets that effectiveness decreases.

Bare in mind though, that Heavyarms is not the only mobile suit with this problem when Trowa gets behind the wheel.  Although he is very effective with beam cannons and other firearms, his enemies have learned the secret of his weakness.  Which means he usually runs out of bullets or energy before all of his enemies are destroyed, making things a little tense.  Yet his friends, generally his musical accompanist Quatre, arrive in time to save him.  Occasionally, he does pull of some rather death-defying aerial stunts, but his Gundam isn't totally equipped for acrobatic maneuvers.  Most of the time, given his arsenal capabilities, he is confined to more tank-like position maintaining techniques.

Trowa is one of the harder characters to get into.  He is extremely quite, almost in a moping kind of way, with very little (if any) sort of past.  I mean, he did take care of Heero and help him with the fight with Zechs, but he also destroyed Duo's Deathscythe.  Sure it did open Duo to getting Deathscythe Hell, and Trowa did it under orders, but that was still wrong.  About the only times he shows any inclination towards humanity was his time with Quatre, and during his return to life suffering with amnesia.  His friend in the circus, Katherine, is all right at first, but then gets really obnoxious when he returns to the circus with amnesia.  She informs the other Gundam pilots she meets that he is her brother (in a word, ewww) and that they are to leave him alone or else.  Granted, she showed a lot of courage on Trowa's supposed "last mission" when she punched him in the face before he could self-destruct, but really, what is she going to do?  "Yes Mr. Quatre, I understand he is your friend and you almost killed him and you have this large mobile suit called Sandrock, but if you come near my brother that I think is cuter then an entire boy band I'm going to hurt you."  But this did help him to see the path he needed to follow, so it wasn't totally un-necessary.  In the end, though, Trowa isn't a love him or hate him type character.  He's just kinda there to help the series along and provide some more destructive eye-candy.  Which isn't bad, he is still a good character with a cool mobile suit.

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