Treize is the oldest of the characters in the Gundam Wing series, he is also the most potentially sinister of the group. Not only did he start the war between the Alliance Military and Oz, he also created the Epyon, and instigated the second war between White Tiger and the Earth. As the ringleader for most of the battles that take place in the Wing saga, he generally comes of as a cold, calculated psychopath; instead of the posh, aristocrat he was billed to be. Either way, for the most part he doesn't seem to really care about anyone or anything then war and his military personnel.
The two biggest changes to everyone's lives Treize took place with Lady Un and the creation of the Epyon. With Lady Une, she had such an astounding response to Treize's personality that her own split into the "evil" Lady Une and Amy, her more dignified and diplomatic side. Fortunately for her, the two eventually merged and she ended up playing a vital role in not only saving Treize, but the universe as well. The Epyon, however, is another matter altogether. Granted, until the Zero system is mastered, it can be a little hard to handle, but nothing like the system in the Epyon. The system has the ability to show it's pilot the path they should follow for their future. And the future Epyon showed it's intended pilot, Zechs Merquise, was one of destruction and war. From this future and with the aid of the White Tiger organization, Zechs started a war with the Earth which nearly destroyed both the Earth and the colonies. His plans were to be completed by the space station Libra, a powerful and oddly shaped station created by the same scientists responsible for the Gundams. These plans were stopped by the 5 pilots, with help from the scientists that created the Gundams and the Libra.In a moment of military leadership, Treize led the Earth's forces under his command with the new Tallgeese 2 during the battle with the Libra and White Tiger. His involvement was short-lived however, after falling prey to a young pilot named Chang Wufei with his Altron Gundam. We have our own standing on the fight between Wufei and Treize, and hopefully the non-dubbed version had a better battle (quite frankly it seemed like a cop out). But his demised (as planned) sparked a return to pacifism led by Lady Une.
By the way, the screen shot with Zechs and Treize at the top has a very special place in our hearts. It was used not only as a shot for introduction purposes, but in the more authentic Wing series, it was placed in a rather odd spot. Ever since it has been a rather humorous inside joke. Thought we would mention it wasn't a mistake for this screen shot to be here.
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