Military Affiliation: Civilian, Monarch
of the Sanq Kingdon
Age: 15
Ethnic origin: Northern European
Place of origin: Sanq Kingdom
Height: 154 cm
Weight: 38 kg
Eye color: Violet
Hair color: Light brown
Relena is the pampered daughter of Earth Alliance Prime Minister Dorlan, and the picture of perfection in her private school. However, she dreams of something more then her pre-planned existence, and her accidental encounter with Gundam pilot Heero Yuy soon provides exactly the kind of thrills and excitement she had been looking for. It even gave her a chance to try her hand at becoming a full time stalker, as she proved to be quite talented with her stalking of Heero Yuy. However, with the attempted assassination of her father by Oz, on his death-bed Prime Minister Dorlan reveals to Relena that she was adopted. In truth, she is the only surviving daughter of the Peacecraft legacy. Relena chooses to continue the pacifist work of her true family, and becomes the leading advocate for peace in an increasingly chaotic world, much to the general dismay of those around her.We can't say that we have always liked Relena, in fact, we thought she was nothing more than a pacifism spouting, stalker who really needed to leave Heero alone. She doesn't fly one single mobile suit in the entire series, and generally was spending more time trying to find Heero then some of the other things she should have been doing. But she is a character that can grow on you, if you let her. Either way the story would lack a lot of the direction it had without her in the series, so even though she is not a pilot, she is still a vital part of the Gundam Universe. That and it is kinda entertaining to watch her ramble on about giving peace a chance while mobile suits are shooting at her. And the scenes with her and Dorothy the back stabbing, brownoser are just as fun. What's with those eyebrows anyway? It's like they can move on their own. See we told you some of the characters would get honorable mention.
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