Military Affiliation: Gundam
Age: 15
Ethnic origin: American from
the Capitol of Coolness
Place of origin: L2 colony
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Eye color: Violet
Hair color: Brown
Alias: God of Death
Mobile Suit: Deathscythe,
Deathscythe Hell, and Wing Zero for a short time
Duo Maxwell, boy now there is probably the coolest character in Japanese Animation. He continuously offers his friendship to the rather hostile and generally sinister Heero, eventually winning his trust through talent and persistence. Duo is probably the only pilot to truly live up to his name having an almost opposing personality. He is by no means a pacifist (depending on your definition), yet he isn't really into war. His fighting skills are almost legendary, yet he cares for everyone around him except for his enemies. He is clearly religious, growing up in a convent, yet he seems to genuinely like to fight, steal, and do whatever it takes to survive using methods that would not be sanctioned by any church. Prior to Operation Meteor, Duo was part of the spacegoing salvage organization called Sweepers. On Earth he is assisted by the Sweepers' seafaring kinsfolk. When not in the grips of war, Duo happily returns to his salvage-merchant's trade until he is needed. He is distinguished by his black wardrobe, generally priests clothing, his yard-long braided ponytail, and his huge and disarming smile.Now with that said, here's the thing with why we appreciate Duo so much. He has the coolest Gundam (yes we know all the little numerical statistics, but we are talking looks here too, and it is the coolest looking Gundam in the series), the coolest hair (ya, we want it, but it wouldn't be fun to take care of), the coolest personality which is even better then Quatre's and Heero's, and something Heero doesn't always have: talent that is prevelant through the entire series. He also has a hero complex, finding time to save each of the Gundam's at the last second on several occasions. He is the pilot we would all like to be, and in many ways the pilots and everyone in the series strives to be in one way or the other. Duo is kinda like the "streetwise saint" of the Gundam pilots. You can't help but like him, and even when repeated guards and others were beating him up, you could still see that "You know I gotta hurt you, but I really don't want to" look in their eyes.
To be honest, there is only one thing in a negative direction we could say about Duo, and it really isn't about him. It is about the company he keeps, namely a certain girl who shall remain nameless. She was formerly a member of the Oz military in the colonies, but Duo hit her in the head with a duffle bag while trying to sneak into Oz, and she suddenly becomes a more annoying Relena and Catherine. He takes charge of this situation quite valiantly, by allowing her to do all of the chores and other things he doesn't want to do. So unlike the other two, her fascination with him is put to good use. We're sure she might have had an origional thought of her own, but we are positive it died of loneliness. There are plenty of Gundam sites out there that will give you all the information on this little wonder, we just ain't one of em. Our true feelings for her can be best summed up with a picture we did of what we felt should have been shoved in the barrel of the Libra stations beam cannon. It wasn't the Peacemalian, it was more this person's rear-end because not only was it more amusing, it would also be more effective. Other then that, the character of Duo is Gundam perfection in it's finest state.
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